Planning & installation

Installation videos
Installation videos

Installation videos

Our installation videos demonstrate simply and clearly how to install your Dallmer products.

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Installation instructions
Installation instructions

Installation instructions

Using our practical product search option, you can locate the installation instructions for all products quickly and easily.

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BIM - building information modelling
BIM - building information modelling

BIM – building information modeling

Dallmer provides BIM data on selected products, and this offer is continually being expanded. All data are available for ArchiCAD, Revit and in the data exchange format IFC.

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DXF drawings
DXF drawings

DXF drawings

Using our search function, planners have instant access to all the data needed to perform their task.

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Notes & My Catalogue
Notes & My Catalogue

Notes & My Catalogue

The "My Catalogue" tool lets you save your own personal product selection in a separate catalogue: create catalogue, add products, done! Or you can use the "Notes" tool, which helps you quickly and easily relocate products you are interested in.

Create notes or catalogue now

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